Rude employers during job interviews

Author: vicque fassinger
Category: Career-Related Blogs by Title

Ever go on an interview only to be shocked and humiliated by the rudeness of the person interviewing you?

That’s a red flag you don’t want to work there!

In addition to being interviewed by a rude representative from a company, another “flag” that will tell you not to work for the company is the number of times you see the position available in the paper or on-line. If, every few months (or weeks!), you keep seeing the same position posted – that is a warning sign something is amiss! It may be a sign that they can’t keep someone in that position for very long. And, of course, the question is, why not? Is the work not worth the pay? Is the corporate culture too impossible to deal with? Is the environment unsafe or unhealthy (mentally or physically)?

A great question to ask when going on a job interview is, “Is this a newly-created position or would I be replacing someone?” If you are replacing someone, ask where the person is currently that used to have that job. If the answer is “She got promoted!” – great! if the answer is “He moved on to another company!” – possible red flag!

Another question to ask is “How long was the person in the role?” If the response is, “We’ve had a handful of people in this job throughout the past year!” – Again, a red flag!

Remember – you are interviewing them too – you are going on these interviews to see if you want to spend 40+ hours of your week/life there – you are not just going on the interview with hopes they’ll like you and offer you a job. Many times, a person is offered a job, he/she takes it, and knows down deep inside it is not where they are meant to be. (Hence, a person quits and the job becomes available again.)

Which is a reason to go ahead and respond to a posting or opening that is no longer available!

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