$7 Reports

Author: vicque fassinger
Category: e-books, Go home.

Need wording for your resume?

We now offer over 300+ “$7 Reports” specific to each and every field, industry, and job out there in the universe!

Purchase one today on your area of choice! (Purchase two for $12 or three categories/reports for $15)

Each report includes all the information you will need to design and craft your own resume! For $7 each, you receive a detailed report on how to prepare your own resume for jobs in the pharmaceutical industy or customer service or collections or teaching or security or truck driving or construction or sales or management or any other field imaginable!

Written from 25+ years of experience helping thousands upon thousands of clients in every field imaginable, we now offer $7 Reports on specific fields. Each report includes an effective objective, a specific-to-the-field highlights section, a sharp professional skills section, an education section, and an experience section ~ each report customized exclusively to your particular field (whether you are currently in that field or looking to get into that field); you can use the exact wording we provide or tweak our original work to fit your particular needs and background.

To purchase this product, simply email us at writerswithspark@aol.com and let us know which report category/job industry you need! Payments accepted via paypal only for this product.

Have a job you want to apply to but don’t have a resume? Purchase your report now and receive the product immediately!

Here are a few examples (we have over 300 $7 Reports on different resume wording for hundreds of jobs).

$7 Resume Report – Educators

$7 Report – Resumes for Pharma Sales

Job Area(s) for Report(s)
Indicate field(s) for reports

Once you've made your payment, email us at writerswithspark@aol.com and type $7.00 Reports in the subject line; let us know in the email which field(s)/job(s) you need the wording for and we'll send the report(s) over to you immediately!

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