Here’s what I know for certain.
We have no control over other people – their thoughts, reasoning, choices, comments, reactions, etc.
If you do everything you possibly can – you take all those little footsteps toward whatever your goal is – then you ought to be able to sleep well at night knowing that you have done and are doing everything possible to actualize your goals.
Some of those “actions” you take may or may not include:
1) Having a jaw-dropping, goosebump-inflicting resume prepared that easily makes you and all your experiences and skills stand out from all the rest.
2) Preparing what you are going to wear to interviews ahead of time (and not a few mintues before).
3) Not smelling like smoke, drugs, alcohol, sweat, last night’s fish dinner, or a cologne counter giving out free trials.
4) Having a firm handshake.
5) Looking people in the eyes.
6) Sending a simple thank you note.
7) Praying.
8) Remaining optimistic, idealistic, and hopeful.
9) Continuing to explore other opportunities and not sitting back lounging like a lizard on your couch waiting for that ONE HR person to call you back.
10) Thinking. Creating. Brainstorming. Continuously coming up with ideas how you can contribute to society AND earn a living. An easy way to start doing this is just list all the things you love to do – then figure out how you can make a living or earn some income in one of those fields. For example, if you LOVE fishing, and know a lot about fishing rods and all the related equipment – contact the manufacturers of that equipment and see if they are hiring reps. It’s easy to talk about and sell something you know a lot about and believe in.
11) Do the footwork. Let it go. Let God.